

① 点外卖英语

点外卖的英语是:Ordering food delivery。



② 点外卖英语

点外卖英语怎么说,点外卖其实就是在网上下单,让人配送。 配送在英文中可以说成:delivery。 所以点单食物配送,也就是外卖,我们可以说:order food delivery。Hello, I&#39d like to order some delivery.您好,我想点外卖。delivery是“送递”的意思,所以delivery不仅可以代表“外卖”,也可以是信件,快递包裹所以“外卖小哥”就是“Delivery guy”。

③ 美团外卖和饿了么外卖用英语怎么说

美团外卖和饿了么外卖英语:Meituan takeout and hungry takeout。

















④ 点外卖用英语怎么说

问题一:外卖用英语怎么说? 外卖的名词形式是:take-away。(地道表达,我和老外这么说,老外说:You are amazing!意思是我真惊讶你能表达的这么好)=========== 关于外卖的例句: 1. Plain Boiled tender chicken. Eat in or take out (away). Up to you. 白切三黄鸡,可供堂吃、外卖。 2. Two pizzas to go! 来两份外卖的意大利饼! 3. I fancy an Indian take-away. 我想吃外卖的印度饭菜. 4. Two pizzas to go ! 来两份外卖的意大利饼! 5. Two chicken curriesand rice to take away, please. 劳驾, 要两份外卖的咖喱鸡饭. 问题二:"叫外卖"用英语怎么说? 外卖 1. take-out; takeout; [British] take-away (of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises) 2. takeout; takeout food (food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises) 3. [Informal] takeout (a store, restaurant, or counter specializing in preparing food meant to be carried out for consumption elsewhere) 建议提问的朋友遇到正确答案时,能够及时将最快回答正确的答案采纳,免得其他朋友以为前面还没正确的答案而费尽脑筋。 采纳他人的答案,既是对他人劳动成果的肯定,对答题者也是一种鼓励,且提问者和答题者双方都能获得财富值,正所谓一举多得,何乐而不为? 如果觉得我的回答未彻底解决你的问题或有其它疑难,尽可向我发起追问,亦可求助于我的团队。 问题三:外卖用英语怎么说,谢谢了 外卖 1. take-out; takeout; [British] take-away (of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises)2. takeout; takeout food (food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises) 3. [Informal] takeout (a store, restaurant, or counter specializing in preparing food meant to be carried out for consumption elsewhere) 问题四:外卖用英语怎么说 外卖[wài mài] 动 order take-out food; get take-out; have sth delivered; order sth to go 名 takeaway; takeout; take out; carry-out; parcel 双语例句 1 我们叫一份外卖比萨然后看《深夜秀》吧。 Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show. 2 我来了。我看到了。我决定叫外卖。 I came. I saw. I decided to order take out. 问题五:外卖英文怎么说 你好,是 takeaway 问题六:外卖 盒饭 用英语怎么说 box lunch;packed meal 问题七:“网上订餐”用英语怎么说 on-line booking 问题八:如何用英语点外卖 外卖英语说法1: Takeaway 外卖英语说法2: takeout 外卖的相关短语: 提供外卖 Take away service available 外卖服务 outside catering ; Food Delivered ; take-out service ; Carryout(or takeout)service 下城外卖 Lower Manhattan Takeout 外卖餐馆 takeaway 外卖食品袋 Carryout Bag 外卖食品 Takeaway Food ; Take Out Food ; Food to Go ; Takeout food; carryout food 叫外卖 Ordenng Takeout ; order take-out ; have sth delivered 外卖的英语例句: 1. Let's send out for a pizza and watch The Late Show. 我们叫一份外卖比萨然后看《深夜秀》吧。 2. Let's get a carry-out. 咱们叫份外卖吧。 3. Let's have a takeaway tonight. 咱们今晚吃一顿外卖的饭菜吧。 4. There's a Chinese takeaway in the centre of town. 在市中心有一家中国菜的外卖餐馆. 5. So you're a soy – burger – making , vegetarian delivery boy, hmm? 这么说就是做做素菜汉堡然后送送外卖喽? 6. Do you have enough to eat or should I call koo koo roo for you? 吃的够不够?要不我叫外卖给你? 7. He never cooks and always eats out or has a takeaway. 他从不烹调而且总是在外面吃饭或者有一个外卖饭菜. 8. Take – out food didn't taste so good anymore the silence irked me. 外卖食物的味道不再好吃了,寂静的房间使我厌烦. 9. They go to a pizza restaurant, or send out for it. 他们去比萨饼餐馆, 或是要外卖. 10. We planned on taking away food from the restaurant. 我们打算从餐厅叫外卖食品. 11. Beth: Yes, and things like cakes, candy and most kinds of takeout food. 贝丝: 不错, 还有蛋糕 、 糖果以及大部份外卖的食物. 12. I can order delivery just like anyone else convalescing in New York! 我可以像纽约其他的康复病人一样叫外卖! 13. Key games using mobile meal service levels with the key box shooting. 游戏用上下左右键移动外卖服务员,用空格键射击. 14. Buss drops his fork into his takeout pasta and ……>> 问题九:我可以点外卖吗用英语怎N说 你好: 我可以点外卖吗? 【翻译】:Can I order some take-away food ? 满意请采纳!合作愉快! 问题十:实用口语丨『点外卖』用英语怎么说 点外卖: Point of delivery delivery 英 [d?'l?v(?)r?] 美 [d?'l?v?ri] n. [贸易] 交付;分娩;递送 [ 复数 deliveries ]

⑤ 点外卖英语怎么说

点外卖的英语:Ordering food delivery;buytakeawayfood



⑥ 『点外卖』用英语怎么说

“外卖”美式表达是:take-out, 叫外卖就是 order take-out英式表达是:take-away,叫外卖则是order take-away澳大利亚、新西兰的英语都是偏英式的有疑问可以来扬格外语 12年专注港城语言培训

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