这部英语电影很有意思的英语|新概念英语 翻译: ①她有个八岁的女儿 ②这部电影很有趣 ③他们的老师对我们很友好 ④她好奇地看着

❶ 新概念英语 翻译: ①她有个八岁的女儿 ②这部电影很有趣 ③他们的老师对我们很友好 ④她好奇地看着

1. She has a eight-year-old daughter.
2. This movie is so interesting.
3. Their teacher is friendly to us.
4. She looks curiously.
1. Our English is taught by Annie.
2. A car will be buy by them next week.
3. These taps were turned on by Lily.
4. Her daughter was dressed by Jane.
5. A football match was watching by them.

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